Viewing/Opening/Editing Files in an Archive Back Forward

PowerArchiver has the ability to view/open/edit the contents of a file that is compressed inside an archive.  First, we need to open the TUTOR1.ZIP Archive.

From the PowerArchiver "Files" Menu, select the "Open Archive" option to open the TUTOR1.ZIP file.



Now, double click on a file you want to view/open and PowerArchiver will automatically start the program associated with that file, such as Notepad for text files.

Updating edited files
With new versions of PowerArchiver, you have ability to update a file that you opened in case you edited it while it was open. After you change a file that you have opened, PowerArchiver will ask you if you want to update the archive with that saved file. This way you can edit files inside an archive quickly and easily.

Please note that saving opened files will NOT work with solid archive formats such as CAB and 7-Zip, so you will not be able to save any changes to those archives!

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